Saturday, March 08, 2008

Marital Bliss and Possible Change on the Horizon

It has been awhile since I have updated my here goes:

As of today I have been married for 3 weeks and it has been wonderful! The wedding was absolutely perfect. I wasn't stressed at all nor was anyone else. It was a day full of happiness and fun--just as I wanted it.

The honeymoon in San Antonio was wonderful as well. The weather was nice and cool the entire time we were there. Our hotel was right on the river walk and we had a beautiful balcony view from the 6th floor. We visited the Alamo, ate one night at the Tower of Americas, and just took it easy. It was so nice knowing the wedding was over--it was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off of me.

Now we are in the midst of getting the apartment all put together which is taking a little more time than we thought.

Yesterday Travis received some wonderful news. He has applied for podiatry school at the Dr. Scholl's School of Podiatry in North Chicago, IL. Yesterday he was asked to come up for an interview! He is incredibly excited as am I. I am super proud of him! He is hoping to go for the interview at the end of March or the first week in April. So I will keep everyone posted with the results of that interview.

1 comment:

The Coburns said...

I didn't know you were in the blogging world! :) Tell Travis I am proud of him too, you both will be in my prayers. Hey, be careful with your titles :) "Possible Changes" puts one thing in a person's mind (okay, well, maybe just my min" when it is a newly young married couple, pregnancy! Ha, ha! :) Enjoy every moment of your marriage! Oh, and when you get a moment, could you e-mail me your new address? Thanks!!!