Sunday, December 30, 2007


Christmas went really well. I had one evening of stress when wedding stuff, Christmas shopping and packing to go to Abilene all crashed together. But I got through it with the help of Travis telling me to breathe. I had a wonderful time with my family and my extended family. I got to see my aunt, uncle and all of my cousins. This hasn't happened in a long time. I also got to see my cousin's 1 month old baby!

Tomorrow night (New Year's Eve) Travis and I are celebrating our Christmas. Because Travis had to be back to work the day after Christmas, we spent the holiday apart--he in Dallas and I in Abilene. Since we have the wedding coming up we decide instead of gifts we would have a nice date night where one person would pay for the dinner and the other for the movie.

I am off of work this week and it will be spent packing up the apartment. On Saturday my stuff will be moved into the apartment that Travis and I will live in. My apartment complex offered us a brand new, never been lived in apartment at a very resonable rent. We decided to move my stuff before things got too hectic with the wedding. Have I mentioned that I hate moving? I try my hardest to move as few times as possible. So it should be a very "fun" week!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas...I have other things on my mind!

The momentous Thanksgiving went very, very well! The Crawford clan arrived at Travis' house around 1:30 to meet the Bodeker clan. Between the time of arrival to the time of dinner (around 6:00) we casually cooked the different parts of the meal and conversed with one another. Everyone hit it off! At dinner time we had 11 people seated around the table--Travis' roommate joined us since he had to work that day. Everything tasted wonderful and of course everyone was pleasantly filled.

A big part of my wishes that this year we could skip Christmas. I truly love Christmas--it is one of my favorite times of the year. However, I already have a pretty big event that is taking a lot of my time...and also some stress. I decided to forgo putting up any of my Christmas decorations. I will be moving into a new apartment right after Christmas so I don't feel like having extra items to pack up. I tend to put Christmas shopping off until close to the last minute and then I also want to try and get the perfect gifts for everyone. I would love to not mess with all of that this year.