Thursday, June 14, 2007

Coming Attractions

The summer months are here and I have begun using up my crazy amount of vacation days. This week I took Tuesday, Wednesday, and will take Friday off--not for anything in particular just because I need to use the days. I'm really excited because next week is Vacation Bible School at our church. I am co-teaching the kindergarten class which will be the same kids I taught all year! I think I'm more excited to see the skits performed. The story this year is Joseph so 3 different groups will be performing the music from Joseph and the Amazing Technocolor Dreamcoat. And in one of the groups Joseph will be performed by non other that...Travis Bodeker! I can't wait to see him. I hope to get lots of fun pictures!

I have firmly decided to purchase a digital camera--this week actually. I have been researching and I think I have found the one I want: a Canon A570. This will be an early birthday present to myself. I'm getting a little tired of using throw away cameras and I would like to be able to stick the pictures easily on my computer. So it's time to take another step into technology!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Now you will be able to take fun pictures at the pool party! I can't wait till you are in town!