Saturday, May 12, 2007

A New Post!

Oy! Once again I fell into the blog slump and left all of my avid readers in the lurch. One reason for this would be it's May--the busiest month for me at work. The TAKS test is over and the kids are coming out for their fun, educational tour at Washington-on-the-Brazos. It hasn't been that bad this year. Last year I remember feeling wipped out each day after all the tours. This next week however might be a little rough. Because of the tours I scheduled, I will be working Monday through Saturday. So I only get one day off this weekend and let me tell you there will be a lot of sleeping going on that day.

Social life is going well. Travis has finished his finals in his classes and did very well. Last weekend was pretty busy. On Friday night we went to see the new Spiderman with his brother Cody and some others from the AFC. It was good although I think I like the other 2 a little better. We went to the 9:15 showing and we didn't leave the theater until midnight. I'm not use to staying up that late so work the next day was a bit of a blur.

Last Saturday our Gap class met with other Gap classes from around the city and had a swing dance lesson. I was excited to dance with Travis--we haven't ever had an opportunity to do that. The instructor had us make a large circle around her with our partners but because there were a few more girls than guys she made us switch partners after learning each new step. Travis and I were a little bummed about that. I learned the basic step with him and then for the rest of the night we had to dance with other people. Close to the end of the lesson, we were trying to talk to each other from across the circle (he needed to leave early to study). He asked his partner if she would switch with me so that we could dance together. So while the instructor was giving our instructions, I quickly ran to the other side of the gym to be with Travis. Travis is a very good swing dancer--we just need to find a place where we can go dancing.

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