Monday, November 29, 2004

The Gobbles Have Ceased

The Holiday Season...It's this time of year when you realize how truly thankful you are that you don't live at home anymore!

Thanksgiving was good. It was a time of rest and relaxation. I had made these goals before I left based on all the homework I was going to complete during the break. I had envisioned myself locked in the guest room of my grandmother's house with my mom's laptop, typing my fingers to the bone. Well, needless to say that never happened. I stocked up on turkey, cookies, ice cream and tons of other food I should not have eaten.

The majority of the time was spent with the family watching movies (I rented the Terminal so my family could enjoy the sheer wonder of this delightful movie). On Friday my mom, sisters and I ventured to the Parks Mall in Arlington. Let me put out this disclaimer: I hate shopping. I'm not the typical girl who's favorite pasttime is to shop til I drop. I usually only go to the mall when I have a dire necessity for something. So going to the mall on the busiest shopping day of the year was not the best idea. But it was good to get out of the house and spend some time with the females of the family.

On Saturday my dad, sister (Jennifer), and I went to the Abilene High vs. South Lake Carrol game at Texas Stadium. Wow--it was such an amazing game! There were 34,000 people at this high school football game--talk about dedication. AHigh put up a great fight and came very close to winning but the final score was 35-30 South Lake. Those South Lake boys were huge...they sure eat their wheaties *cough* steroids.

So the majority of the holiday was great but I'd have to say that by Sunday everyone in the family was about ready to get back and get away from each other. There's just something about being in that close of a space for so many days that just makes everyone irritated.

Now it's time to crank into action and finish all the homework I put off this weekend. Oy!

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