Friday, November 12, 2004

Wake up with "Down"

This morning as I was leaving for my 8:00 class I got quite a surprise. As I walked out to my car I noticed a foreign object on the windshield. As I got closer I realized what it was--A DEAD DUCK! The neck of duck was held under the windsheild whipper of my car. I ran back into the house to tell Brooke and Ross's mom (who stayed with us last night). Brooke grabbed a trash bag and scooped up the animal.

When I got to chapel Ross asked me if my day had gotten off to a good "flight". I know that Mark, Phil, and Bret were apart of it--I'm not sure if there were any others. I took a picture of it with my camera phone to document the momentous occassion.

1 comment:

Julie said...

gosh, that's funny. bret told me was sleeping and studying. hmmmm...i'm so glad we have such a trusting relationship!

you should retaliate with some meat from the van-man vendor! put the beef to good use! :)