Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Storm

Thursday night I went to a devo the AFC (Aggies for Christ) has up at A&M. It's alot like the 9:00 service on Sunday nights in Abilene. I picked up Garrett Hoskins after roaming around on foot for 5 minutes trying to find his apartment--whoever heard of two pools in one complex! We then embarked on the adventure to A&M. I have never really been on campus before so I really didn't know where anything was. Amanda Scott gave me some directions...that I left on my kitchen table. So I had to rely on my mind--scary. Somehow or another we found the area by Rudder fountain. In the middle of the speaker the wind started to gust at unfathomable speeds and then the rain came down. We were under the coverinf of a building but there were still open areas. I happened to be in the area were the rain was blowing against my back--I was so incredibly cold. After the devo, Garrett and I joined some of my AFC friends at a coffee shop called Sweet Eugene's. It is such a neat place--very college-esque. It has lots of different rooms with tables and sofas. And they have great hot chocolate--that's usually how I rate a coffee shop. I didn't get in bed that night until 12:00 which is very late for me--but it was worth it!

Friday when I got to work a surprise awaited. The storm the night before knocked some of our electricity out and the air conditioning! Of course I wore a sweater because of the cool front that came in. So our first tour was given in partial light. Thankfully all of the lights came on around noon. The air though didn't come on until 4:00! We were sweating it up. And it didn't help that we had bunches of middle school kids in the museum. There was one area that I walked by and a huge patch of b.o. nearlly knocked me over. Whew!

1 comment:

Adriane Jewett said...

A good friend of mine used to work at Sweet Eugene's...only he always called it "The Sweet Eugene's". I'm not really sure why...he just did. Anyway, it is a great little coffee shop!