Friday, July 07, 2006

Tours don't go as planned

Yesterday Anne and I had a day of stressful tours. First of all summer tours are different from our school tours. Most of the summer tours are kids of all ages who are out at the park for a fun trip not for education.

I knew the first group was going to be tricky because the person in charge had a very thick hispanic accent and didn't fully understand everything I told him. My favorite conversation with him was earlier that morning:

Him: "Hello, I have a reservation with you today. I am coming from Houston. Where do I turn?"

Me: "Well, where excatly are you?"

The majority of the kids in this group did not speak English so we had to translate everything that was said. Manily we let the big kids watch our movies and the small kids play in the Discovery Room.

We were looking forward to the next group--the plan was to show the movie and then let them play in the Discovery Room. An hour before the group was schedule to come we had a power surge which knocked out half of our elecricity...including the movie. Scratch that idea. So we ended up giving the kids our normal school tour which worked well. I haven't given that tour since the end of May so I quickly had to remember what all I say.

Thankfully I am off today!

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